

I believe once we set a goal, we should focus all our energy both physically and mentally to achieve that goal. Once you have a direction, life will be much easier and fulfilling.

After I finished my studies, my parents had a talk with me about my future. Even though I can secure high-paying jobs working for others, I know my future lies in owning a business. After witnessing how my parents were able to achieve it for many years, I decided to start my own business in Agape.

Now I'm One of Malaysia’s most influential executive coach took to the stage in over 800 events, impacted more than a million individuals with an excellent impression of force and the immediacy of passion, and raised over 20,000 leaders during my 15-year career.

john doe headshot


Gender : Male
Contact Number : 6012 4700175
Email :
Address : 16B & 16C 2nd Floor, Farlim Business Centre. Lebuhraya Thean Teik. 11500 Penang. Malaysia
Motto : You have to plan to obtain a successful and meaningful life


AGAPE has all the resources that I need to build my business. Im proud to be a part of this culture that helped many business owners to obtain financial freedom and meaningful life.

Road to Success

Today, Hew is a much sought-after executive coach because of his role as the mentor to younger talents and extraordinary leadership style and beliefs. Often greeted with roars of applause at events, the Penangite is a powerful speaker and communicator who has won many over with his words.

His persuasive and mesmeric speeches in addressing people’s concerns helped to develop a sense of expectation, impact audiences and successfully communicate his ideas. A master at gauging the mood of the audience, he is known to write and practice his speeches. Like any great man, the gifted speaker has his style. We can credit his oratory success not only to his hard work, dedication and keen business sense but also his charisma and sincerity which grips the hearers.

Once a simple lad awkward at making small talk, his rise to the top from being a virtual unknown is a unique and remarkable story. At the time, he didn’t know network marketing and had no idea of being a corporate leader. But, he was able to utilize one skill: The ability to identify and learn from the right mentor.
One of the first steps he took was to serve as an apprentice under Dato’ Sri Dr. How Kok Choong, a highly successful global corporate leader. That has been central to his personal and career development. Under the tutelage of Dato’ Sri Dr How, he developed the ability to express things so logically and directly that listeners are convinced that that is what they have always thought themselves.

He also developed a passion for helping others to succeed in life, which endeared the people to him. He speaks his heart, understands the cares and worries of the people, and therefore reaches the hearts of those who hear him. He explained the problems of the day not only with the problematic tools of a worldview but with wit and biting irony.